Wilson’s on Forum and Wilson’s on Rangeline.
Your first visit to the Play Centers may take 5-10 minutes to check in and fill out your child’s informational form. Please read the information below to ensure your Lil’ Tiger has the best experience!
- There is a DAILY time limit of 2 hours. Members may go between clubs; however may only have a combined of 2 hours in the play centers per day.
- For safety precautions, a parent must personally check in and out their own children with Play Center staff. Only the parent who checks in the child can check out the child.
- Parents may not leave the premises while their child is in the Play Center. Child may only be in the Play Center of the gym the parents are at.
- Illness Policy: All children must be symptom free for 24 hours before coming to the Play Centers after being ill. If your child is ill or you think is coming down with something, please do not bring them to the Play Centers. Children, who become ill, display symptoms of being ill, rashes, pink eye, vomiting, diarrhea, or any other contagious symptoms will not be permitted to stay in the Play Centers. Please help us in maintaining a healthy environment for all children and staff.
- Each of the Play Centers has specific times and age limits. Play Center Times
- Both the Forum & Rangeline locations welcome children from 12 weeks to 12 yrs.
- Each visit to the PlayCenter is $4 per visit per child. We invite you to visit with member services to explore adding your children to your membership, you may save this way!
- The Play Centers are a service for our members; therefore, children whose parents are not members are not permitted in the Play Centers
- Each Play Center has a designated infant and toddler area. This area is for infants 18 months and younger. Older children are not permitted in these areas.
- We ask that you provide all items that are necessary for your child while in the Play Centers. This includes diapers, wipes, extra clothes, socks, snacks, and bottles. Bottles need to have the water pre-filled and formula pre-measured. Children are not permitted to be in the Play Centers without pants, just in a diaper, or swimsuits. If an accident occurs, we will change the child provided there is an extra set of clothes. If there are no extra clothes, the member will have to take the child home immediately. Socks are required for children to play in the Climb & Slide for health reasons. Please label all cups, bottles, snacks, and diaper bags as well. Please refrain from bringing unapproved food, toys and special items from home.
- If a child misbehaves, the following actions will be taken:
1. The child will be given a warning and reminded about expected behavior.
2. If behavior continues, the child will be placed in the designated safe seat area.
3. Kids who continually behave inappropriately or behavior becomes harmful are subject to being removed from the Play Center. At that time, a parent will be contacted; a staff member will explain the situation and any disciplinary actions taken.
4. At the discretion of the Play Center Director, the child may be temporarily suspended from the Play Centers.
5. Future Play Center visits resulting in similar behavior may lead to suspension of Play Center privileges.
- Snack Policy: Absolutely no nuts, peanut butter, nut based products, nut oil, or gum are permitted in any of the Play Centers. Only approved snacks are allowed which consist of cheerios (not honey-nut), vanilla wafers, Cheez-its, saltines, pretzel twists or small sticks, Kix, Goldfish, fruit/veggie puffs, Club crackers, Graham crackers, Trix, or Chex. Snacks need to be in a small sandwich bag or a small container with child’s name on it.
- Drink Policy: Drinks have to be in a spill proof cup or a sports bottle that closes. No cups with straws or open cups will be permitted.
- Play Center Closings: If at any time the staff feels that the Play Center is full, you may be asked to not leave your child until others are picked up.
- Inclement Weather: In the event of inclement weather, please check our website and the Wilson’s Facebook page closing announcements. You do not need to have Facebook account to view our public page.
To stay updated on all Children’s Programs and activities at Wilson’s Fitness, please join our email list, simply choose Member News.
Contact information email: [email protected]
All hours, guidelines, and Cardio Kids Program are subject to change.